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UpGrad vs. Udemy UI/UX Design Course Reviews: Which One is Right for You?

UpGrad vs. Udemy UI/UX Design Course Reviews…Which One is Right for You?

If you are in a fix about what option to go for between an UpGrad and an Udemy course in UI/UX design, then the comparison will be more informative to you and give you an insight into the design possibilities of the two learning interfaces.

UpGrad has a deliberately planned UI/UX design course that helps in getting used to the practical application of the same. Some of the modules include, design thinking, users and the product, low fidelity wire framing, high fidelity wireframing, and UX testing. Many important aspects are involved in this course, and they include; emphasis on external coaching by professional employers, career counselling and the rigorous study schedule with the aim of preparing the student for a higher position in UI/UX design.

However, there are opportunities to learn and Udemy is full of courses of different difficulty levels concerning UI/UX design. One must note that these courses are personal, thus a student can study at his or her own time. Amongst those includes; students gets to pay for the courses one time and access it for life, affordable prices on the training and there is a variety of training courses given by many trainers.

By comparing them, new learners will be able to get the description of course structures, costs, features, and mainly students’ reviews necessary to help them to choose the best platform to learn UI/UX design from.

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course: Courses, Key Highlights, Syllabus, Placements, Fees and Reviews

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course

The upGrad UI/UX Design Bootcamp allows learners to easily niche down in this highly competitive field due to its comprehensive curriculums. Ideal for the users seeking to level up their experience, this bootcamp consists of a combination of professional practice projects, live lessons, and independent study. Depending on the level of practice: whether this is the first experience in the UI/UX field or the desire to deepen the knowledge and skills in this area, this program will allow you to achieve the stated goal.

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course Key Highlights

Gen AI IntegrationIncludes training on modern Generative AI tools and technologies.
Career SupportPersonalized career coaching, AI-driven mock interviews, and dedicated portfolio sessions.
Hands-On ProjectsWeekly assignments, periodic projects, and mentor-led projects for practical experience.
Soft Skills TrainingSpecialized sessions for aptitude, communication, confidence-building, and freelancing.
Freelance TrainingBootcamps focused on building a freelance career in UI/UX design.
Curriculum DepthCovers fundamentals to advanced UI/UX concepts, including design thinking and the double diamond approach.
Live SessionsOver 140+ hours of live instruction and interactive learning.
Recorded Content25+ hours of recorded video content for self-paced learning.
Portfolio DevelopmentIncludes dedicated sessions for creating and refining a professional portfolio.
Industry Projects15+ industry-grade projects to build real-world experience.
Instructor ExpertiseLearn from experienced industry professionals and design experts.
Masterclasses4+ masterclasses featuring design heads and industry leaders.

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course Syllabus

ModuleTopics Covered
Module 1: FundamentalsUI/UX design principles, history of UX, Design Thinking process, Introduction to Figma.
Module 2: ResearchUser research techniques, gathering and analyzing user insights.
Module 3: SurveysDesigning effective surveys, interpreting survey results.
Module 4: IdeationBrainstorming methods, idea generation techniques, user persona creation.
Module 5: SketchingBasic sketching techniques, wireframing, prototyping fundamentals.
Module 6: WireframingCreating wireframes, low-fidelity prototypes, user flows, and interactive elements.
Module 7: PrototypingDeveloping interactive prototypes, usability testing, feedback incorporation.
Module 8: UI DesignVisual design principles, color theory, typography, and UI components.
Module 9: Advanced UX TechniquesAdvanced user testing, heuristic evaluation, usability heuristics.
Module 10: Portfolio DevelopmentBuilding and refining a professional design portfolio, showcasing projects and case studies.

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course Placements

  • Job Assistance: Help with finding a job, including resume and interview prep.
  • Career Coaching: Personalized advice for career planning and job search.
  • Resume Support: Tips on creating a strong resume for UI/UX roles.
  • Mock Interviews: Practice interviews to prepare for real ones.
  • Job Network: Access to top companies and job listings.
  • Job Portal: Special job portal with openings from leading firms.
  • Hiring Partners: Connections with companies like Accenture and Adobe.
  • Career Transition Help: Support for moving into new roles, including freelance options.
  • Good Placement Rate: High success rate in getting jobs.

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course Fees

UpGrad UI/UX Design Course Reviews

The reviews for the upGrad UI/UX Design Bootcamp are largely positive. Many students report that the course is informative, well-structured, and provides plenty of hands-on projects and real-world applications. Students often mention that the instructors showcase strong knowledge and a teaching style that keeps them engaged. A career support team is available to give students guidance, revise their resumes if needed, and help with job placement. Students like the live classes, self-paced learning, and a structure that is flexible enough to fit various schedules. Many mention that the curriculum focuses heavily on building a robust portfolio, and students learn important modern design software and AI concepts. Most reviews are positive regarding both the education and the future career benefits, although some students felt that the course was an expensive investment.

Udemy UI/UX Design Course: Courses, Key Highlights, Syllabus, Placements, Fees and Reviews

Udemy UI/UX Design Course

Nowadays, the field of UI/UX Design plays a rather crucial role in developing interfaces that are easy to use and visually appealing, which is why this area is beloved by many students, talented authors and developers. Udemy – a platform that unites thousands of courses in various fields – has a course dedicated to UI/UX Design that can help people to grasp the basic principles of this constantly developing sphere.

This review discusses the details of the Udemy UI/UX Design course including its curricular content, teaching approach, and efficiency. Like most of the other courses provided on the website, the UI/UX Design course is designed to meet the needs of the multiple levels of learners including the first-time designers, course that will get better at the craft as well as experienced designers who want to improve on their skills. In this posts-quiz analysis we will look into the practical aspects of this course – projects, activities, and other engaging aspects of it – to provide the comparison of this offering to similar course found on other platforms for continuing education.

Before summarizing, it is crucial to look at the flexibility, costs, and students’ opinions about UI/UX Design course so that to give an overall idea of what one is to expect when enrolling in the Udemy course. Regardless of whether one is interested in a complete career change to design, or an upgrade of existing skills, this ought to be time beneficial in decision making.

Udemy UI/UX Design Course Key Highlights

Course TitleGet Started in UI/UX Design: Learn the Essentials of UI UX Design from a Sr. Designer with 8+ Years of Experience
InstructorPierluigi Giglio, Sr. UI/UX Designer with over 8 years of experience
Rating4.3 out of 5 (321 ratings)
Duration3.5 hours of on-demand video
Price₹499 (Original Price: ₹1,799)
Discount72% off (Limited-time offer)
AccessFull lifetime access, including mobile and TV access
CertificationCertificate of Completion
Key Topics Covered– UI/UX Design Principles
– Essential UI/UX Vocabulary
– UX Design with Sketch App
– Prototyping
– Creating Effective Presentations
Course Structure4 sections with 33 lectures totaling 3 hours and 34 minutes
Learning Approach1. Live Classes
2. Self-Paced Learning
3. Real-World Projects
PrerequisitesBasic Computer (Mac, Linux, or Windows)
Basic Internet Connection
Target AudienceBeginners with no previous experience in UI/UX Design
Intermediate or Advanced designers looking to consolidate knowledge

Udemy UI/UX Design Course Syllabus

IntroductionIntroduction to User Experience (UX)06:08Overview of UX design and its importance in creating effective user interfaces.
UI/UX FundamentalsWhat is the difference between UI and UX Design?08:43Explanation of the differences between UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) Design.
WireframesWireframes05:03Introduction to creating wireframes as a blueprint for design.
UI DesignUI Design02:25Basics of UI design, including layout, color schemes, and typography.
PrototypingPrototyping06:06Techniques for creating prototypes to test and refine design concepts.
Client InteractionClient Reviews & Feedback02:30How to handle client reviews and incorporate feedback into your design process.
Presentation SkillsHow to Create Gorgeous Presentations Fast08:11Tips for creating visually appealing presentations quickly and effectively.
ConclusionComing Next00:40Wrap-up of the course and introduction to next steps in UI/UX design.

Udemy UI/UX Design Course Placements

  • Job Placement: No direct job placement support.
  • Portfolio: Helps you build a strong portfolio with real projects.
  • Networking: Opportunity to connect with the instructor and classmates.
  • Skills: Teaches practical skills needed for UI/UX design jobs.
  • Certification: Offers a certificate to add to your resume.
  • Freelancing: Skills are applicable for freelance work.
  • Reviews: Positive feedback from students who found career success.

Udemy UI/UX Design Course Fees

Udemy UI/UX Design Course Reviews

Over a million students, with an overall rating of 4.3/5. The UI/UX design course has generally received praise. Reviewers have expressed that the course effectively covers UI/UX design, as well as design tools such as Figma and Adobe XD.
Aryan T commenting on the course has been particularly appreciative, stating ‘ Very insightful on how to use different tools and improve client side’, as well as pointed out how the course provides a very broad coverage of UI/UX areas, and gives practical demos to go along with it.
Some students have provided not so positive ratings and feedback, including Adekoya Olorunfemi E, who commented that ‘the parts of the course which is not written are not clear to hear’.
Priti also reported in her review ‘the content is a bit repetitive however it is still helpful and good to learn’. She also notes that the course ‘could’ve been more informative’ compared to the duration.

UpGrad vs. Udemy UI/UX Design Course: Differences

AspectUpGrad UI/UX Design BootcampUdemy UI/UX Design Course
Course StructureStructured bootcamp with a mix of live sessions and self-paced learning.Flexible, self-paced learning with pre-recorded videos.
CurriculumComprehensive, industry-relevant with hands-on projects and modern tools.Varies by course and instructor; practical content but varying depth.
Career SupportPersonalized coaching, resume-building assistance, and job placement help.No formal career support; students may need additional resources.
Portfolio DevelopmentEmphasis on building a strong portfolio with real-world projects.Varies; some courses include assignments for portfolio development.
FlexibilityMix of live and self-paced; less flexible compared to Udemy.High flexibility with lifetime access to course materials.
CostHigher financial investment, reflecting the comprehensive nature and support.Generally more affordable with frequent discounts.
Modern Tools & TrendsIncorporates current design tools and AI concepts.Depends on the course; may not be as up-to-date.
Instructor ExpertisePraised for deep expertise and engaging teaching methods.Varies by instructor; quality can differ.
Learning ApproachRigorous and career-focused.Practical and introductory, with varying levels of detail.
Student ReviewsGenerally positive, highlighting the quality of education and career support.Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars; praised for practical content but with some criticism on clarity and repetition.


When I’m deciding between UpGrad or Udemy for UI/UX design, there’s a few things I keep in mind. UpGrad has this intense bootcamp program that’s great if you really wanna dive deep into UI/UX and get serious about starting a career. They give you tons of hands-on projects and mentorship to make sure you come out ready for a job. It aint cheap though and you gotta make a big investment of time and money.

Udemy is more flexible since they got all kinds of courses to pick from. You can learn at your own pace without the pressure, which is nice. Prices are way lower too. But you miss out on having someone guide you or help get a job after. The quality of courses varies a lot as well from what I’ve seen.

For me, I went the Udemy route cause I was just testing the waters in UI/UX at first while working another job. Now that I’m more set on making a career switch I might do that UpGrad bootcamp to get the structure and support I need. Depends on your goals and budget really. No right or wrong choice – just what works for where you’re at! Either way, you will learn a ton.

For further clarification and fee concession, you can contact

  • referral codeClick Here
  • Contact Info– 7735361649

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main differences between UpGrad and Udemy UI/UX design courses?

  • UpGrad: Offers a structured bootcamp with live sessions, self-paced learning, and comprehensive career support. The curriculum is rigorous, focusing on real-world projects and modern tools.
  • Udemy: Provides flexible, self-paced courses with lifetime access. The content varies by course and instructor, and there is no formal career support.

2. Which course is better for beginners?

  • Udemy: Often better for beginners due to its variety of introductory courses and flexible learning pace. Students can choose courses that match their current skill level.
  • UpGrad: Suitable for beginners who are ready to commit to a more intensive, structured program with career support.

3. How much do UpGrad and Udemy UI/UX design courses cost?

  • UpGrad: Typically involves a higher financial investment, reflecting the comprehensive nature of the bootcamp and included career support.
  • Udemy: Generally more affordable, with frequent discounts and promotions. The cost of individual courses can vary.

4. What kind of career support is offered?

  • UpGrad: Provides personalized career coaching, resume-building assistance, and job placement support.
  • Udemy: Does not offer formal career support; students may need to seek additional resources for job placement and career development.

5. Can I access course materials after completing the course?

  • UpGrad: Course access may be limited to the duration of the program, though graduates may retain access to certain resources.
  • Udemy: Offers lifetime access to course materials, allowing students to revisit content anytime.

6. Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in these courses?

  • UpGrad: Typically requires a basic understanding of design principles and may have specific prerequisites depending on the program.
  • Udemy: Most courses are open to all levels, though some may recommend or require a basic understanding of design concepts.

7. How does the quality of instruction compare?

  • UpGrad: Instructors are often industry experts with extensive experience and a focus on interactive, engaging teaching methods.
  • Udemy: Quality varies by instructor; students should review course ratings and feedback to assess the effectiveness of individual courses.

8. Can I get a certificate upon completion?

  • UpGrad: Provides a certificate upon completion of the bootcamp, which can be valuable for job applications and career advancement.
  • Udemy: Offers a certificate of completion for individual courses, which can be useful for showcasing skills but may not carry the same weight as a bootcamp certification.

9. How do I choose between UpGrad and Udemy?

  • Consider UpGrad if you seek a structured, intensive program with comprehensive career support and are prepared for a higher investment.
  • Choose Udemy if you prefer flexibility, affordability, and a range of course options to learn at your own pace.

Skillhance Team

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