Coding Ninjas Full Stack Developer Course Review 2024
Full Stack Developer is a field that has always been within the IT Industry, like forever. Even to date, it’s one of the highest-paying jobs for both freshers & professionals. But come to think of it there is an equal amount of computation for this ground.
Coding Ninjas, a viral platform in India’s e-learning industry, offers a Full Stack Developer Course, and today we are about to do a Coding Ninjas Full Stack Developer Course Review and give our honest insights.
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This course uses Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and MongoDB to walk you through the entire process. You will discover how to use Node.js for a stable runtime environment, Express.js to generate server-side functionality with ease, React.js to create dynamic user interfaces, and MongoDB for effective data management. This course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to create scalable, high-performing web apps, regardless of your level of experience with web development.
Module | Submodules/Topics |
Introduction to Programming | Basics of Programming, Loops and Functions, Arrays/Lists, Strings and 2D Lists |
Data Structures & Algorithms | Problem Solving Techniques, Object Oriented Programming, Linear Data Structures, Trees, Advanced Data Structures, Dynamic Programming |
Frontend | Getting started with Basics, Introduction to HTML, More on HTML, Forms, Intro to CSS, Styling with CSS, Starting with the Resume project, Flex, Completing Resume, Responsive designs, Animations and 3D space, Bootstrap, Getting started with JavaScript, Fundamentals of JS, Loops, Arrays, Function & Objects, Working of JS, Functions in JS, OOP in JS, ES6 Classes, DOM Manipulation, Mini-Project: Quiz Game, JS ASYNCHRONOUS, Modules in js, jQuery, Git |
Backend | Getting Started With NodeJS, Modules in NodeJS, Exploring More Modules, Getting Started with Express, Model-View-Controller – I, Model-View-Controller – II, File Upload, Session and Cookies, Getting started with API, Securing APIs, Adding More features to E-Com App, Handling Errors, Getting Started with Databases, MongoDB with NodeJS – I, MongoDB with NodeJS – II, Working with Mongoose – I, Working with Mongoose – II, Socket Programming, Task Runners in NodeJS, Deployment |
React. | Introduction to React, Learning JSX, Score-Keeper App, Create-React-App, React Components – I, React Components – II, Styling in React, Component Lifecycle Methods, React Hooks, Firebase 9, React Router v6, Context API, Redux in React, Redux Toolkit |
Operating System | Introduction to OS, Process Management, Memory Management, Concurrency, Storage Management, Case Study: Linux OS |
Database Management System (DBMS) | Introduction to DBMS, Data Modeling, Entity-Relationship Model, Relational Model, SQL, Normalisation, Transactions, Indexing, Classification of Databases, NoSQL Databases, Database optimisation |
System Design | Introduction to DBMS, Data Modeling, Entity-Relationship Model, Relational Model, SQL, Normalisation, Transactions, Indexing, Classification of Databases, NoSQL Databases, Database optimization |
Aptitude Preparation | Numbers, Averages and Mixtures, Arithmetic and Word Problems, Counting, Time, Speed and Distance, Reasoning, English, Data Interpretation, Miscellaneous Topics |
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